Charles R Hale Productions and Musical Solis are proud to present their next show in the series “Classically Exposed: From Carnegie Hall the The Cell,” Friday, October 13 at The Cell Theatre in the Chelsea section of Manhattan. “From Bows to Beats” will feature Empire Wild and its members, cellists Mitch Lyon and Ken Kubota and multi-instrumentalist Brandon Ilaw. The three Juilliard graduates teamed up in 2018 after discovering a shared interest in musical styles far afield from their classical training. Through original songwriting and imaginative covers they bring virtuosic technique to far reaching genres as well as a passion for musical exploration.
We had a chance to meet and listen to Empire Wild back in March when they performed at our “sneak preview” of our upcoming shows. They were fabulously exciting and they are enormously gifted musicians. Not only will you hear great music but you’ll also get an inside look at how young classically trained musicians like these are changing the way we experience music in the modern digital age.
For tickets, which are $20, and information CLICK HERE
The Cell is located at 338 West 23rd St in the Chelsea section of Manhattan.